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A Climber is pictured about to move onto a ledge. The background is spectacutlar with the sun rising on Belougery Spire. It looks very adventurous, which it is.
Adventure in The Warrumbungles: Climbing Beyond the Everyday

Adventure in the Warrumbungles has a way of making you feel small in the best possible way. The 5 km walk into camp is steep and demanding, with every step reminding you that this isn’t your average climbing trip. But as the trees part and you get your first real look at Belougery Spire rising against the sky, the effort starts to feel like a fair trade. It's an imposing sight, almost daring you to climb it. That's what we do the next day—feeling the volcanic rock beneath our hands and

29 Aug 2024
Accessible Adventure with Mike

As with many of our guests, we have stayed in touch with Mike, who has become a great friend. His attitude towards adventure, balancing laid-back enjoyment with steely determination, is something I strive to emulate when the going gets tough on personal trips. Mike is a former copper who was dinged up in a high-speed pursuit, so he brings a unique toughness and resilience to his adventures. For Mike they are accessible adventures.
Mike abseiling in to the bottom of his climb on

28 Aug 2024
Hugh S Wolgan Valley
Two Hugh’s -Trip Report

Two of our Instructor's, both coincidently named Hugh, have been out to the back of the Wolgan recently on great adventure.
The line between recreational and work climbing is often difficult for us to tread, and so generally we leave a big separation between the two. In this instance though, we think the trip is educational, inspiring, and a hell of a good yarn! So we have decided to share Hugh's trip report, unedited from it's original FB format.
So I went climbing

15 Oct 2019
Climbing in the sun
Blue Mountains Winter Climbing: Chasing the Sun

Winter Climbing in the Blue Mountains 
We are fortunate to be able to climb year-round in the Blue Mountains. A big part of what makes this possible is the sheer number of crags with different aspects, different angles and different levels of exposure to the wind. In the summer we seek out shady caves in gullies that catch the afternoon breeze, and in the winter we flock to sun-soaked crags to enjoy the golden winter light.
Here are some of our favourite winter sun-traps for

29 Jun 2017