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Canyoning Expeditions

Canyoning Expeditions

Love canyoning, but find the trip is over too quickly for your liking? Like the idea of a laugh and a cuppa by the campfire while your wetty dries for the next days exploration? If yes is the answer, a canyon Expedition might be just the thing you are after.

The longer time frame gives us the opportunity to get off the beaten track and into canyons much less travelled, and much more spectacular.

Each Expedition has a high level of customisation to make sure it is exactly the trip you want it to be.

Get in touch so we can discuss the best fit for you.

Booking links to come!

About our Expeditions

If you want to extend you outdoors journey into the wilds, our expeditions will take you places you have dreamed about. All our expeditions have prerequisite skills and experience so that you get the most out of your time in the wilds.

Find out more about our instructors.