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Grant Funded ClimbingQTs Trips and Courses

Entering the climbing community can seem a bit daunting at times! Not only is there a new language to learn, concepts to try, a million different ways to do things but there’s also the concern that if you get something wrong, either you or the people you are with could get seriously hurt.

It doesn’t need to be this way however. Climbing skills are just that – skills that can be learnt. And there is a natural progression within those skills. Sometimes this can be expensive, and seem scary. Blue Mountains Climbing School has partnered with the ClimbingQTs to offer QTs members a discounted course progression that can take you from where you are now to just about anywhere! Start your journey here…..

ClimbingQTs Introduction to Outdoor Climbing
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Experience the fun and excitement of outdoor rock climbing with the Blue Mountains Climbing School and a group of QTs one-day introductory session. Click through to start your journey.

ClimbingQTs Indoor to Outdoor Conversion
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Need to get back out climbing to feel the sun at your back and the wind in your hair? Learn to safely lead and belay single pitch sport climbs with a group of QTs on this 2 day outdoor course.

ClimbingQTs Multi-pitch Climbing
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Dreaming of airy cliffs and long routes that go for ever? Been climbing outdoors for a while now, and thinking about taking the next step? Learn more about our 3 day Multi-Pitch course!

ClimbingQTs Foundations of Traditional Climbing
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Want to get away from the queues and chaos of sport climbing?  Join a small group of QTs and learn the art of leading on traditional gear and escape the crowds.

ClimbingQTs Warrumbungles Climbing Expedition
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The ‘Bungles contain some of the most remote and adventurous climbing on the mainland of Australia. Join the QTs on a 4 day expedition, it might just be the trip of a lifetime!

ClimbingQTs are an LGBTQ+ social climbing community and advocacy group inclusive of all identities and backgrounds. The ClimbingQTs  key focus areas are inclusion, visibility, access and education.

About the BMCS – QTs Program

After a last minute application to the NSW Department of Sport in 2021, the combined QTs and BMCS teams are ecstatic to hear that we have been awarded a grant with the aims of getting QTs climbing, and telling the world about it! 🎈

This pyramid scheme is not what they usually are – with a tiered progression providing experiences for QTs wanting to get outside for the first time all the way through to a 4 day climbing expedition in the Warrumbungles. There are also courses for just about every level in between.

Because the grant allows these trips to be heavily subsidised, participants (QTs Members) pay only 10% of the course value, removing the bulk of any financial barrier. BMCS have a financial support program for QTs Membership and the remaining cost should this still provide a barrier. 🌈

Another aim of the grant is to show off the great work the QTs do, there will often be the potential to have your course or trip photographed or filmed. We have a privacy plan to make sure this works for everyone 😊.